Wide Wonder Wonderfull !
name :
01. 小高城です
02. 輿入れです
03. 散策(徘徊)中です
04. 漸く真っ向勝負です
05. 偶には気分転換です
06. 豺狼路に当たれりいずくんぞ狐狸を問わん!
07. 過ちては則ち改むるに憚る事勿れ!
08. 自ら直きの箭を恃まば百世矢無からん!
09. 年寒くして松柏の凋むに後るるを知る!
10. 願わくは後身世世、復た天王の家に生まるる勿らんことを!
11. Experience is the name everyone gives to his mistakes.
12. If you think you'll be loved by a person, you have to love a person first.
13. While dropping, one of the space biggest laws is satisfied.
14. There is no greater grief than to recall a time of happiness when in misery.
15. Submit to your destiny. It isn't possible to stand as about one in all value.
16. 雪と檻
17. 彼女と獣
18. 西と北
19. 亡霊と夢
20. 昨日の花と今日の塵
21. 閑話休題
22. 暗中模索
23. 丁々発止
24. 合縁奇縁
25. 天網恢恢